Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day To Day

Day to day we live our lives, 
Telling ourselves lies,
And making up things just so we can breathe when we wake up in the morning.
We say everything is going to be alright, and we make promises we will never keep,
Because we want to keep them, 
Though even the greatest of people cannot defy the laws of life.

We go to school trying to cover up the bruises we get from home, 
Or maybe the fresh cuts from the night before, 
Saying one day this will all change and I'll be okay. 
One day I'll be free.

We get our hearts broken over and over,
Never really knowing the truth of what happened.
But we put a band aid over the hole is our hearts,
Telling ourselves one day we'll find someone who can fill the holes, 
And will pick us up and make us happy.

We dream that one day things will change,
That everything will be okay. 
But how does this happen?
One day do we just wake up and everything is different.

We grow up dreaming of the day things will change, 
But guess what.
If you want things to change you got to get up and change it.
Things you do as a teenager will follow you through your life. 
They become habits and won't go away when you get what you want.
You can try to find yourself in your dreams,
But it won't work.
You have to look inside yourself and finally face what’s going on. 
Dissect your emotions.

Some situations you have to wait until you gain more control, 
But there is always something you can do to prepare, 
There is always an answer,
Though it may be vague. 

Just know you have to fight.
If you want to get what you want you have to live and breathe it. 
Work everyday for it, so one day you can prevail.
Never ever think someone is less than you, 
But again do not think someone is better than you.
Don't compare yourself to someone else, 
Because you are unique and comparing yourself is impossible.

Day to day we go through the motions of life, 
Living nearly the same day over and over. 
For people that is okay. 
But never forget you can make every day memorable by defying what society thinks, 
And not being scared to be unashamed of who you are.

We are humans.
We make mistakes.
We have emotions.
We will face hell.

But never let others bring you down.
Never let them hurt you.

Because one day everyone one who doubted you.
Everyone who called you names and told you who you were.
Everyone who dared try to control who you are.
They will realize they were wrong. 
Maybe they won't,
But you don't need their approval anyways.

Go ahead and look for that day.
But also look at where you are now,
And act. Live. Push on and fight. 

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