Sunday, November 16, 2014


As the leaves fall, so do I.

I thought I was surrounded by light.
Green and alive,
Knowing everything was going to be okay.
I had my place and nowhere else.
I was simply me,
And nothing more.

I had a purpose,
And knew my purpose.
Achieved my potential.
Knew my potential.
Mistakes didn't happen.
I could make everyone around my happy.

As soon as I stood,
I turned.
I became ugly.
Life degraded me into a mere inconvenience.
The windows shut.
I couldn't see inside anymore.

To weak to bear it,
I hit the ground in my dead withered body.
Completely helpless.
I await in this state until I easily crunch with a step.
Turned to dust by the lightest of life.

Never again to be.
Though was I ever noticed in the first place?
What was I?
An object?
A step?

Maybe an obstacle. Tearing down everything it touches.

Monday, November 10, 2014


Did you know?
That love can die?
Can wither into dust?
Not just a love,
But pure, true love.
Like metal, it can rust.

Did you know?
I believed in love.
I thought it was the world.
It was my home,
It was my life,
Before gone went the girl.

Did you know?
She was a friend.
One I'll never forget.
Now love has died,
And left a shell,
Holding one regret.

Did you know?
Love can't be fixed.
Because it never existed.
It was a lie.
For my oblivious life.
And back I cannot change it.

Did you know?
That I still love.
Because I long for the past.
Before mistakes,
When love was returned.
I thought true love could last.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

To This Day

"How can you stand your ground when everyone wants to burry you beneath it?"

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Only For Me

No more, no more,
Dear God, no more.
My fall, my fault,
It's time to go.

No reason, no light.
I lost the fight.
My first regret.
I thought it was right.

Stupid me, stupid life.
Only myself to blame.
Something wrong, for all that's right.
Yes darkness, no tame.

Saw it coming, should've known.
Knew I wasn't gonna survive.
One gone already, why not add on?
I'll throw in my own life.

Keep Scrolling

Born a costar.
That's all I am.
Too quiet.
Too low.
Never to rise.

Too far away.
One door shut,
Maybe opens another.

Try to do right.
Bad consequence still.
A face.
A tear.
I caused that.

Give up.
Give up.
I can't go on.
A light.
A smile.

Maybe I can be strong.