Sunday, February 21, 2016

Myself, Awesome, Stop, Happiness



Who cares as long as I'm happy?

How about M stands for myself.
As in I think of my self worth,
Myself since birth,
Growing and learning that everything will be okay,
Because I'm on this lovely thing I call Earth.

A stands for awesome,
Because yes it's a middle school word,
And some people have heard it right before they went into super nova,
But hey,
If you actually think you're awesome then you deserve a standing ovation.
We go through every day wondering if we're good enough.
And sometimes we just give up,
Then the people we knew and didn't know are visiting our graves.
Let's not forget about those people,
And how people may have told them they were awesome,
But they didn't believe they were.

S stands for stop.
We all need to know when to stop.
Whether its when joking turns to bullying,
Flirting turns to rape,
There's too many people in this world that don't understand the word limits.
What's okay and what's not.
Murder happens so often now we don't care unless it's someone we knew.
We see horror on the news,
And we're just thankful no one's bombing us.
We all just need to stop.

H stands for happiness,
Because for some reason everyone else has forgotten it's most important.
Who cares about money when you can have happiness.
A good job,
Good friends,
If it's not necessary for you happiness why give a shit?
Yes, you should be concerned about others,
And not put your happiness over theirs,
But why should you put theirs above yours.
You are equal,
And if you get in each others way,
You might as well both step back.
Happiness is the most important thing. 
Money can't buy it,
Things can't provide it,
Only you can supply it,
Just try it.

Now mash it all together.
Figure out what's right for you,
And throw the rest out.
If you're passionate enough you'll succeed.
You can make it, 
You just have to believe. 

Just remember,
You are you,
And no one can make you do shit.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Love is oblivion, and I'm scared.

i love you. 

Yes, you're on medication,
Yes, I may not know the real you,
But guessing fucking what,


I didn't want to make you choose between me and your family.
I wanted to be your family.


You got me watching the Notebook.
You made me put my heart in a notebook.
You are my notebook.
You are my Notebook.

i love you. 

You've got me eating a gallon of ice cream,
And drinking cider out of the bottle.


You were Neverland holding a ukelele,
And our hearts made beautiful music.


The wrinkles you got around your eyes when you smiled made me melt,
But now the dagger gets deeper every time I see you.

i love you.

You loved me more than anyone,
And yet you're questioning if it's real.


No matter how different we are I love the things we see the same.
Though you didn't feel normal with the world,
In my eyes you were the first normal person I'd ever met.


No matter how much I love your brain,
I wish you would go with your heart,
And throw logic aside just this once.
For me.

i love you.

I never gave you enough compliments,
No matter how many were in my head,
It ended up coming out wrong.


Men are from Mars,
And women are from Venus,
But honey,
You took me past Pluto,
Because our hearts were going the speed of light.


I carried a stuffed animal around for two days because of you.

i love you.

Everything in your world is crumbling,
But somehow when I see you you're still happy.
could i not make you happy?


I don't know how things are going for us here on out,
But just know that still,


And I remember the time you said there was noting I could do to push you away,
But now I'm left with the thoughts that you didn't love me,
And I wasn't enough.
Not enough to fight,
Not enough to tell your parents,
Not enough see a future,
Not enough to surpass her.
I wish I had been enough for you. 


"I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I'm in love with you."
-Augustus Waters, The Fault In Our Stars

Monday, February 1, 2016

Creepy Crawling Self

I finally figured out why I'm so afraid of bugs.
It's because of the poisonous spiders that crawl around in my brain.
Biting any form of intelligence or feeling.
The ants give me chills even when I'm not cold.
They just like to see me squirm.
The centipedes hatching in my stomach.
Pretending to be butterflies so i'll keep on fooling myself.
My heart is a beehive.
Tricking me into being sweet to others,
But stinging them in the end,
And leaving me dead once again.
Earwigs are my veins.
And I can't help but cough up a beetle every now and then.
I'm heartless and scaly.
I'm barely alive,
And no one knows why I'm alive in the first place.
I look in the mirror and while some see beauty,
All I see is the flies that put the gleam in my eyes.

Lost Girl

I may know who I am but that doesn't mean I'm not lost.

I know what I want in life, but I don't know how to get it. 
I don't know what I'm meant to do.
And honestly we all are like that. 
But if you knew you me you would know what makes me different.
That I don't want to graduate, because I've found family. 
And family is never supposed to leave. 
Though all I've ever wanted to do is travel. 
Even though I'm not too good with change and the unknown. 

I like to build, 
Because I've been destroying too much in my life. 

I'm independent as fuck. 

I love to experience life and don't have freakishly high standards, 
But family is something i'll always care about.
(That lower case i is not a typo it's just something i do with that word.)

I'm crazy,
I'm reckless,
I'm unique,
And I love myself. 

Achievement Unlocked: Lost Girl Loves Life