Thursday, September 3, 2015

My Sweet Melodies

I have troubles defining my feelings.
Anger and depression are the only things I know by heart.
The rest tries to swim against a whirlpool,
Until they sink so low they give up.
Taking them to die in the deepest pits of my mind.
Never to be known.
Never to be felt.

Sadly I've never been good at swimming.
I can barely cross a pool without breathing hard.
Making me someone who rarely even dips my toes in those deep waters,
As I lie to myself,
Saying "I'll be okay right here."

Many people have tried to swim for me.
I am very grateful,
But the outcome is never good.
After so many years I finally found my Olympian.
My sweet melodies from people who have captured my highest respect.
Their voices fearlessly go into my abyss,
Bringing back things I have missed out on for so long.
Making me more than veins and bones.
Giving color to my face,
And eyes into a beautiful world.

Not only does it resurface me,
But helps me understand these new confusing things.

Music saved my life. 


  1. I like the swimming metaphor.

  2. I could read your words all night. You're an amazing writer.

  3. "My sweet melodies from people who have captured my highest respect." #stolen

    For the record I can't even walk up stairs without breathing heavily at the end ;-;
