Sunday, November 1, 2015

My Dark Passenger

I fear my dark passenger. 

He tells me he's my best friend. 

Always around telling me what to think. 

What to do. 

He whispers in the back of my mind what people actually think about me. 

He tells me their smiles are fake. 

Their worried brows.

Their nervous small talk. 

It's all a lie.

He tells me to go home instead. 

To be alone. 

Sit on the couch. 

Lay there and think about all the things wrong with my life.

All the Depression.

All the Loneliness.

All the Hopelessness this world offers. 

I want it all to go away. 

This is what he does to me.

I tell him all my insecurities. 

That's what best friends do.....right?

And he laughs in my face. 

Making me think of it all at once. 

It Devours me. 

I just want to be happy. 
I don't need money. 
I don't need fame. 
I'll admit it would be nice...
But all I truly want is happiness, 
And someone besides my dark passenger
To hold me when it's not there. 


  1. This was so unique, I really like the idea of the "dark passenger"

  2. wow. wow. wow. 'I just want to be happy.' wow.

  3. "I just want to be happy.
    I don't need money.
    I don't need fame. " #stolen
