Monday, March 21, 2016

What Is Happening...

It's the last term of my last year of high school, and i'll I want is for it to end.
It all kinda went to shit.
I'm a tourist in this class and I know it.
But hey I'm still here writing when there wasn't an assignment.
Doesn't the mean something?
But anyways,
Back to my final days in these halls.
I want it to be great.
But I'm not living for each day anymore.
I'm using things in my future to keep me going.
I HATE the future.
So what I'm I doing?
How do I even begin to change this.
How do I make things happy and memorable like most ends should be?
I have no fucking idea.
I can't time travel going backwards or forwards trying to fix things.
And frankly I don't want to.
I have no regrets.
But the world is spinning,
The sun keeps setting,
I'm running out of time,
And there's not much left.
I must make my days memorable.


  1. Sometimes just having the desire to be alive and quit going through the motions is enough. And yeah, you're here writing when it wasn't even an assignment.

    So that's something.
