Thursday, March 24, 2016


Life is hard.
Everyone around you in relationships,
When you're going through a break up...still.
Finally saying "I love you" to your mom,
And only hearing "okay" back. 
It's easy to feel alone. 
Easier for your mind to tell you how useless you are. 
And you're always changing,
So what if you become all the side effects of who you wanted to be?
It's hard to explain how hollow I feel. 
How I care but I don't.
How scared I am.
Today I had a conversation.
And great friends turned into awkward small talk.
We eventually grew used to each other again,
But we got a glimpse of what things will be like a year from now. 
Do grown ups still get scared of the dark?
Is it okay if I don't grow up?
Should I even give a shit in the first place?
I feel like I'm in Inception and can't tell what's fake or not.

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