Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Being antisocial is more then just being an awkward person that doesn't talk much.
It's thinking about breathing,
Thinking about every step you take,
Because if you do anything wrong people will laugh at you.
Oh know your shoe is untied,
Hurry and fix it before you trip,
But find a corner so you don't get stepped on when you bend down.
Being antisocial is like being a ghost.
But when someone actually sees you,
When they smile at you while your sitting in the halls alone.
When you drop something and you're not the first one to pick it up.
When someone sees you,
You think you can be something,
Besides the trust issues with anything and everyone,
Besides the over analyzing,
The low self esteem,
The whole fucking lot that's trapped in your mind.
You've been deprived of social interaction,
But how can you start a conversation with a stranger,
When you can barely spit out the truth to the women who gave birth to you.
But you try anyways.
You say hello,
Though it was too quite and they didn't hear you,
Or they're one of the ones that just ignore you.
What do you do then?
Pull out the phone,
Pull out the book,
Like nothing happened. 

We see you judging us.
We feel those eyes.
But we will learn to keep our heads up in the halls,
Because we've missed to much color,
After looking at the floor for so long.
We will learn to wear our insecurities on our sleeves,
Because yes we're different,
But we've learned that it's something to love.
We have learned that it's okay to love ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Yes yes yes. You put this into words perfectly. It's hard to tell people and have them understand, but you put it simply and easily. Thank you.
