Sunday, March 13, 2016


I've never been good with change.
Yet I see people who are still friends from elementary school,
And my latest friend is from ninth grade,
I don't even know why because I don't treat her the way I should.
She's saved me.

The biggest change of all:
I'm starting to like my family.

I'm being productive. I actually like the outdoors...
What the fuck is happening.

Yet, that hollow feel in his still there.
Even when it has no reason to be.

Things are great...

Or am I becoming what I despise...?
Is that why that feeling is still there?
Or does my brain just hate me...

Everything happens for a reason. 

You happened for a reason.
No matter how many times my heart has broken from being around you.

Stage crew happened for a reason,
But it scares me how ready I am to leave.

Why did this start?
When did this start?

But most importantly is it something I should be happy about...?

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