Monday, February 1, 2016

Lost Girl

I may know who I am but that doesn't mean I'm not lost.

I know what I want in life, but I don't know how to get it. 
I don't know what I'm meant to do.
And honestly we all are like that. 
But if you knew you me you would know what makes me different.
That I don't want to graduate, because I've found family. 
And family is never supposed to leave. 
Though all I've ever wanted to do is travel. 
Even though I'm not too good with change and the unknown. 

I like to build, 
Because I've been destroying too much in my life. 

I'm independent as fuck. 

I love to experience life and don't have freakishly high standards, 
But family is something i'll always care about.
(That lower case i is not a typo it's just something i do with that word.)

I'm crazy,
I'm reckless,
I'm unique,
And I love myself. 

Achievement Unlocked: Lost Girl Loves Life

1 comment:

  1. I feel a lot like you do about this, then. You can love yourself, know who you are, and still feel like you have no idea what's going on in your life. Thanks, I needed this today.
