Sunday, February 21, 2016

Myself, Awesome, Stop, Happiness



Who cares as long as I'm happy?

How about M stands for myself.
As in I think of my self worth,
Myself since birth,
Growing and learning that everything will be okay,
Because I'm on this lovely thing I call Earth.

A stands for awesome,
Because yes it's a middle school word,
And some people have heard it right before they went into super nova,
But hey,
If you actually think you're awesome then you deserve a standing ovation.
We go through every day wondering if we're good enough.
And sometimes we just give up,
Then the people we knew and didn't know are visiting our graves.
Let's not forget about those people,
And how people may have told them they were awesome,
But they didn't believe they were.

S stands for stop.
We all need to know when to stop.
Whether its when joking turns to bullying,
Flirting turns to rape,
There's too many people in this world that don't understand the word limits.
What's okay and what's not.
Murder happens so often now we don't care unless it's someone we knew.
We see horror on the news,
And we're just thankful no one's bombing us.
We all just need to stop.

H stands for happiness,
Because for some reason everyone else has forgotten it's most important.
Who cares about money when you can have happiness.
A good job,
Good friends,
If it's not necessary for you happiness why give a shit?
Yes, you should be concerned about others,
And not put your happiness over theirs,
But why should you put theirs above yours.
You are equal,
And if you get in each others way,
You might as well both step back.
Happiness is the most important thing. 
Money can't buy it,
Things can't provide it,
Only you can supply it,
Just try it.

Now mash it all together.
Figure out what's right for you,
And throw the rest out.
If you're passionate enough you'll succeed.
You can make it, 
You just have to believe. 

Just remember,
You are you,
And no one can make you do shit.