Monday, January 18, 2016

Secondhand Smoke

I wish I had been your secondhand smoke.
If you had absorbed me the way I had you who knows where we'd be.
The only problem was you were too addicted to yourself.
I thought there was something deeper in your eyes,
But I've finally realized it was the haze from your pipe,
And your bloodshot eyes were not from tears of missing me.
You tried drowning me in your lies,
Though you soon figured out smoke and water don't mix.
Leaving me in the fog gasping for some fresh air.
My heart.
Your lungs.
Now I'm just looking.
Because when you left I became addicted myself.
Luckily you have nicotine patches and gum,
But I?
I'm looking for something to cure the poison in my veins.
Something to take the taste of you off my lips.
Your love didn't just kill you.
Remember that.