Sunday, January 10, 2016

Real Talk

Listen closely.
Because I'm only going to say this once.
I'm different then all of you.
My views have always been described as strange and stupid.
But here's my proof.
I lived.
I have depression.
I've attempted suicide.
I hate my family.
I have gossiped, backstabbed, lied,
And smiled while doing it.
But I have learned.
Learned what happiness is.
Learned what I should take control in and learned when I should sit back and enjoy the ride.
I've learned about love.
About how fun it is to throw reality into the background and live.
Here I stand before you all,
As someone who ran away from home one day and went to park city with a boy.
Someone who drove in a construction zone and night, and held the door open to knock down the cones.
Someone who hid friends in their basement because they smelled too much like weed to go home.
Someone who believes she is beautiful.
Someone who looks to Orion because he feels like a guardian to her.
Someone who doesn't give a fuck about what others think.
Someone who confronts the problem when it arises,
And is straight with the person so they can get it out of the way.
Someone who sneaks out in the middle of the night with her friends and blasts We're Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sisters.
Someone who falls in love with a guy after going out for merely two weeks.
Someone who fears the shadows but has become a part of them.
I've said it before and I'll never stop saying it.
I don't believe in science.
I don't believe in religion.
I believe in me.
I believe that the sun will come up tomorrow but it's so beautiful that I don't care why.
I don't tell people my problems too much because I know they'll go away soon.
I'll make them go away soon. 

This is me.
This is my real talk.
This is my goodbye to creative writing,
But my hello to a new semester and creative writing 2.
If you don't know me by now you weren't paying close enough attention.
Most of you may have not even turned your head.
But for those who have.
Thank you.
Thank you for caring.


  1. Yaaaaassssssss!!!!!!!!!!! Literally don't know what else to say but I did a fist pump and i don't know if that means anything to you but that's the feeling this post gave me.

  2. this has personality and voice. i'm very happy I read this.

  3. this inspired me. thanks

    sorry i totally don't know who you are. and right now i dont know what that says about me. i thought i was paying attention
