Sunday, November 8, 2015

Letters to the Hitchhikers in My Life

Blue - It's been a year now. I still miss you. But it's more who you were then who you are now. Maybe one day we'll be friends again. Our paths are a bit stuck together now anyways. And I don't really see that changing in the future. For one I want to say thank you. You were there for me when no one else was. You have made such a positive change in my life. I will forever be in your debt for that. I would also like you to know that I'm sorry. I didn't know it at the time, but I see what I did to you. I deprived you of the life you deserve. I hope you look on the good times when you think of me though. There's so many questions I'd like to ask you. But somewhere in my gut I feel like I should keep them to myself. You're doing much better unattached.

Silver - You're one of the most amazing people in my life. Though I know our days are numbered. I'm going to have to drop you off at your destination soon. I hope it doesn't end up like that, but I can't help but feel you secretly resent me. A lot. We have different opinions now. Developing our minds in parting directions. But I want you to know that I always remember you. You really do mean a lot to me. I just know you're one of those people I'm going to look up on Facebook twenty years from now, and you'll be this amazing accomplished adventure taking person. You deserve that life.

Red - Dear me. It's been a while. I tried to tell you this in person but you wouldn't take me seriously. You've changed so much. But I do want to say thank you. You introduced me to confidence and beauty. Told me that I did and could posses these things. I felt like a ghost when we first met. But you saw me. I know you're long gone now, but just know I think of you every now and then. You changed my life more then you could ever know.

White - You are my favorite sibling. You have saved me so many times. Especially that one night. Thank you for being the calm one I can relate to. I hope we never distance ourselves because I want you in my life for a long time. That's what family is for right? I hope you get that restaurant you want. I hope you watch every fandom possible, and that your still going to Comic Con when you're eighty.

Black - I'm scared we're going to lose contact after high school. You are my best friend yet I feel like you're the person I know the least about. I didn't always know we could be close and I could talk to you. I know I can now. No matter how much you get distracted hah. I love who you are as a person. You have this unique way you act. It's hard to explain but it's my favorite part about you. I hope you find someone that truly makes you happy one day.

Grey - I wonder how our lives would have gone if you hadn't moved. You're one of the few hitchhikers I had to drop off early then you wished. I truly do love you. There was just a moment when we were hurting more than helping. You're empathy is very strong. While you've gotten punched in the face for it I hope you know it's a good thing. You were a good friend. I'm sorry things happened the way they did.

Purple - You began the part of my life that is actually living. I've seen you change the most. You may think we are still friends in some way. You text me every now and then. I don't know why. You kind of piss me off if we are together for to long. Sorry... We were good friends while it lasted.

Yellow - I haven't spoken to you in...a very long time. It's funny to me we still have those awkward waves in the halls every now and then. I don't know you. I don't know you friends. We had a class together last year and you seemed exactly the same. You helped me be who I am today. Though you may not be so how about how. When I look into a new friend I look for basically everything opposite of you. I step up for myself now, which you never let me do. I look for someone with depth. Someone accepting and different. Thanks for giving me a spine.

Orange - I know we have good memories somewhere. You were gone a lot, but you always made the weekends good. We were okay when it was the six of us. Though every time it was just you and I the only thing I can think of is the awkward atmosphere. Then I grew up. That didn't help. You got lazy. I became a teenage girl with depression. We'll always have one thing in common. I wouldn't have put a temper on the top of my list though.

Green - I feel like we live in a soap opera. You are completely insane. I keep on debating if you actually love me, or the fact that every time you say it is for self-benefit isn't a coincidence. You say you would do anything for me. But you don't even know the real me. You keep me in a box because everything outside of your opinion in unacceptable. I love the times we can make things work. I just wish there weren't so few of them.

Awkward - YOU ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY. ...but your adorable smile keeps pulling me back in... 

Trans - I tell myself we would never be friends if it weren't for Silver. And while that's probably true I'm glad things worked out the way they did. Yes I have a short fuse and you are very sensitive. We make it work though. And we've had some pretty damn good times because of it. Your future is very bright. I see you becoming more of what you want to be every day.

Light - I miss you. You're name is the most accurate, because that's what you were to me. Seeing you decline in that way was heart breaking. You bring tears to my eyes every time I think of you. I hope you loved me as much as I love you.


  1. I can't help but feel like yellow is directed at me, and whether or not that's a good thing, I'm sorry I didn't allow you to accept yourself when you were around me. But I'm glad I gave you a spine(?) ( if that's a good thing)

    1. I don't know. I just feel sad and proud at the same time if that's really me.

  2. "It's been a year now. I still miss you." #stolen
