Monday, November 16, 2015

Hello My Old Heart

Dear Jessie,
Wake up!
It's 1 in the afternoon and your eyelids are still dragging on the ground.
I know you're tired of seeing the same olds,
But I can help.
The problem is you've been thinking with me.
Not feeling with me.
You think I'm the one leading you through all these ditches?
That crack head brain of yours has been twisting my words.
Haven't you been wondering what those pains in your chest are?
Listen to me!
You write like your dad,
You act like your friends,
You change yourself all the time to please others,
And when you're alone you just having staring contests with the wall.
What part of you is yours?
You may think you lost yourself in the heartbreak you find in everyone you trust,
But I'm still here. 
You are still here!
Dig deeper.
Look in the mirror and find yourself.
Not your insecurities.
Don't wait for tomorrow,
Because you only live today.
See the world around you and breathe.
Do what you love instead of planning to do what you love.
When you feel alone remember me.
Gaze at the stars.
We've both been here since the beginning.
You keep on trying to get rid of me,
But can't you see how great we could be?

Always by your side, 


  1. UH! This is great! I love this so much!

  2. It's 1 in the afternoon and your eyelids are still dragging on the ground.
    What part of you is yours?

  3. "Do what you love instead of planning to do what you love." #stolen

  4. you had me hooked from the very beginning of this post.

    very well done.

  5. "And when you're alone you just having staring contests with the wall."
    This was one of the best heart letters. So good!
