Friday, October 9, 2015


I think way too much about the type of guy I'd like to be with.
Especially after you.

I think of all the things you did.
Along with everything I feel I deserve.
And nothing about it fits.
Though somehow I find myself looking back.
No matter all the logic in my head that screams it can't be,
I want you back.

I want your failure to communicate.
I want the lies you say to make me happy.
I want your horrible jokes that somehow still make me laugh.
I want your arms that held me and fit me like a glove.
I want your eyes that always knew what was happening behind my fake smile.
I want your smile that is aways there, no matter the emotion of the situation.

You took a part of me with you when you said your goodbyes.
And I think there's a reason I haven't gotten it back yet.
Call me crazy.
Repeat your logic to me over and over of how things wouldn't work out.
All the reasons we had to part.
But this is the field where logic is thrown out the window.
You never need a reason to fall in love.
It just happens.

You told me you miss me.
You told me you weren't over me.
So why are we in this awkward friendship?
It may be a stupid idea,
But at least we'll know what would happen.
You are one "what if" I do not want to look back on.


  1. So real when relationships turn awkward. Being real with your readers is genuine

  2. Awkward friendships. This is good.

  3. "You took a part of me with you when you said your goodbyes.
    And I think there's a reason I haven't gotten it back yet... You are one "what if" I do not want to look back on." #stolen
