Sunday, October 18, 2015

I'm Alive

I'm seventeen years old and I sat by my stuffed animals the whole time they were in the washing machine, because I felt like I was drowning them.

I cry during movies sometimes...or a lot of the time...

I can't watch spiders on tv let alone in real life.

My two dogs are my best friends.

I fall in love way too easily.

I'm a musician, though I love others music more.

I'm a writer, though I love others writing more.

I sleep with a light on at night.

I love the rain.

I love pandas with every fiber in my body.

I ponder the meaning of life on a daily basis.

I don't believe in science.

I'm non-religious.

I'm bisexual.

I love driving to nowhere in particular.

I have no regrets.

I'm afraid of water.

I have depression.

I refuse to believe any rule thats only reason is " because that's just how it is."

I don't care what a single person thinks.

I care more about the beauty in every day rather than just the future.

I feel.

I touch.

I hear.

I smell.

I taste.

I'm alive.


  1. One of those lists that just makes you feel

  2. "I feel.

    I touch.

    I hear.

    I smell.

    I taste.

    I'm alive." #stolen

    I'm sorry you're depressed, but remember the sadness doesn't last forever

  3. Just casually stalking your blog... Anyways, I found this post and I really, really liked it.
