Sunday, October 4, 2015

Love. The Great Unknown.

We may have never fallen in love, but all of us know what it is.

As babies we need to be loved. We need to be nurtured and watched at all times. We need our parents smile every time we look at them. Because at that point when we can't speak. Can't walk. Can't even eat by ourselves. The one thing we know is love.

For those who have fallen in love. I have a question.

Did you fall out of it? Or are you still stuck while the other person did?

I personally think that if its true love you'll never fall out of it. But can it be true love if the other person doesn't feel the same?

I thought I fell in love. I still believe I have. Though suspicion creeps in my thoughts and makes me think I'm just crazy instead.

I love the story from the Greeks that says in the beginning of time we were all once two humans combined. But the gods were jealous of our true love and complete bodies so they separated us. Leaving us doomed to search for our other half our whole lives.

Love to me is the most important thing in this world. Because in the end don't we all just want someone that completely understands us? Someone who will stand by you no matter what. Someone who makes you feel like everything will be okay as long as they are by your side.

We all may know love, but we'll never understand it. 

Love is that person in the hall with the familiar face but the name escapes you. Love sits in the back of the room. Sometimes not noticed, but always there. Love cries in the corner as well all try looking for it. Why is love crying? Because it's misunderstood. Unknown. We all may find someone to love one day. But love itself will always be alone.

One Love - Marianas Trench


  1. We all may know love, but we'll never understand it.


  2. "We may have never fallen in love, but all of us know what it is." #stolen
