Sunday, September 20, 2015

You're So #different

I thought I had a type,
But then I saw you.

Once I swore I would never like, nor date, anyone younger then me.
I made a quiet list in my head of the perfect guy,
And trust me I found my share of almost perfect.
Then you walked in.
Eyes changing color,
Smile of a joker,
and a heart.
Much bigger then anyones I had ever met.
You still can barely even sarcastically make fun of me,
While I throw you left and right with the corners of my smile.
Please, Forgive me if I step on your feet,
Because this dance is foreign to me.

Looking at you I just know this is going to hurt if it ever starts,
Let alone when it ends.
But honestly I don't care.
No matter what,
You are worth the risk.