Sunday, September 27, 2015

I'm Not Human. I'm Real.

What is being human?

Human - sympathetic; humane

Humane - characterized by tenderness, compassion, and sympathy, for people and animals, especially for the suffering or distressed.


"Honey, dinner is ready."



"Yeah?" ....*tap*....

"The food is hot. Please come eat, the kids want to tell you about their first day of school. They haven't seen you all day."


-  -  -

"So Jessie has dad's and donuts this Thursday. I know she'd be really happy if you could make it."

"Thursday? Sorry I have to work. She can find a friend to sit with."

"You know she's not good at that dear. She doesn't have any friends."

"What happened to Suzy?"

"They got in a fight. Their family is very mad at us. Don't you remember?"

"Huh. You may have mentioned it. But anyways I need to work that day. You know we need the money."

-  -  -

(Friend and I) 
Friend: "How is he doing in college?"

Me: "Good, though I'm worried about him."


"He started smoking because all his friends do. He always talked about not liking his brother for doing that." 

"Wow. He has changed. He should wait until it's legal for him."

"Yeah. He has such big plans for his life. Actually doing things he loves. But this could completely ruin everything. If he got caught or escalates... I hope nothing bad happens."

-  -  -

(Parents and I)
"What is with your grades? You couldn't even get into UVU with these."

"I'm sorry I've been having a really hard time with school. I'm working on it."

"We don't care. It's so simple. All you have to do is go to school and turn in the work."

"It's not that easy. I don't want to get out of bed in the mornings anymore. I'm having a lot of problems with my friends, and there's a lot on my shoulders right now."

"Just shape up and get the work in. All you have to do is stop being lazy." 

-  -  -

I don't want to go into the "real world."
I don't want to be human. 
The human race changed sympathetic to just plain pathetic.
War. Government. Careers. Families. Self Esteem.
The world is broken. 
What happened to being real?

Empathy is on the brink of extinction. 

It's all our fault. 

We've made life a competition. And the only prize is a wasted life. 

We're stuck in daily routines. And the only thing that matters is money. 

What have we done to this world?

Crazy - Simple Plan


  1. what in the world is this world coming to ?

    ^^ a thought that has also been bouncing around in my head lately.

    i really liked this post. especially the senarios that we can all relate to on some level or another.

    thanks for this. keep it up.

  2. this really hit me hard

  3. "We've made life a competition. And the only prize is a wasted life." #stolen
