Monday, May 2, 2016


So many things I want.
But what do I need.
I'm debating if I'm actually trusting fate to help out,
Or if I'm just being lazy and taking what comes.
I don't want to be someone little.
Someone in a cycle to nowhere.
Which is funny because it always bugs me when people say they want to be remembered.
That not a bad thing to want of course,
But when people usually say that they mean they want to be the next Gandhi.
It's always best to be remembered by people close to you though.
If that's not enough for you that's kind of sad.
Because pain is only there to let you know it meant something.
I don't know about you,
But I only feel pain when people close to me die.
Maybe I'm just heartless.
But I'd rather truly affect a small amount of people,
Than be an icon to the world.
Though as a wise man once said,
Why not both?

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