Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Background 00's Music Into A One Man Show

You were written in the background.
But you were the only real things on stage.
Straight to the point just like always.
The stage is a mess.
The words are whispered.
The eyebrows raised.
We're all just too scared to acknowledge it.
But you,
You are as transparent as the ocean on a clear day.
If there's a fish swimming to the surface you can see it.
But the ocean floors are dusty.
You have to wade into the water to feel.
You have to dive into the depths,
And it's so beautiful,
I don't know why people don't do it often.
I'm scared of water,
But I'm ready to have my eyes opened.
So let me toss this ocean shit,
And be clear myself.
I like you.
With you it's real.
I didn't like you at first,
Because even you can't deny,
You're rough to get used to.
But I always knew there was something more,
And now I'm finally seeing it.
You're my best friend.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
So with this low key salute,
I thank you.
It's a real great time around you,
And I don't know how you feel,
But I'm finally not worried about it.
So again,
Thank you,
I like smiling into your solid eyes.

1 comment:

  1. the opening line, and the line about how they're rough to get used to, and the last line, especially the word solid.
